Back Pain

Accepting New Spinal Care Patients

Successful Back Pain Relief

Our Chiropractors Provide Effective, Drug-Free Back Pain Relief

Whether it’s in the upper or middle region, back pain is one of the most distressing concerns for many of our patients here at West Suburban Wellness. A global survey revealed that 15 to 19% of people have chronic upper back pain. Among children, as many as 45% of children and adolescents will suffer from middle back pain. Our experienced back pain chiropractors compiled this guide about back pain and how chiropractic care can help.

Common Causes of Back Pain

Pain in the back can be caused by gall bladder issues, osteoporosis, or a wide range of other conditions. Some of the most common causes we see here at West Suburban Wellness are muscular issues, spinal issues, and lifestyle factors.

Sprains and Strains

A back sprain happens when the ligaments in the backstretch, twist or tear. Tendons and muscles injured in this way are called back strains. The most common causes of both injuries are heavy lifting, repetitive motion, or suddenly twisting the back beyond its typical range of motion.


Falls, auto accidents, and sporting mishaps can cause painful vertebral fractures. Since the vertebrae make up the spine, broken bones can easily compress or puncture a nerve or the spinal cord itself.

Herniated Disc

There are discs between each of the vertebrae that function as spinal shock absorbers. Unfortunately, the material inside of these discs can sometimes protrude from the spine, compressing the nearby nerves. Sometimes, this so-called ruptured or slipped disc causes tingling, numbness, and pain along the pathway of the pinched nerve.

Poor Posture

Sometimes, poor posture causes spinal misalignment or subluxation. A subluxated spine often places pressure on the spinal cord and other nerves. As a result, pain and other sensory signals are not accurately delivered to the brain. Poor posture can also overwork back muscles since they must help compensate for any misalignment.


Increased weight puts additional stress on the back and increases pain. In fact, a survey of 95 studies revealed a link between obesity and pain in the back. Shedding some pounds can relieve some of the physical burden carried by the back.


Stressful feelings cause a cascade of powerful neurochemicals. This fight-flight-or-freeze response involves getting ready to defend home interests, run away, or remain still in terror. Increased heart rate, sweating, and tightened back muscles are some of the body’s responses that can exacerbate pain in this region.

Chiropractor at West Suburban Wellness adjusting patient

Symptoms of Back Pain

The main symptoms of this condition are aches and loss of function. Pain can vary wildly. Some of our patients report a dull ache. Others tell our chiropractors for back pain that they feel like they’re being stabbed in the back or it is on fire. A painful and stiff back can make everyday tasks feel like major ordeals.

How Chiropractic Works to Alleviate or Eliminate Back Pain

Searching the internet for a back pain chiropractor near me will bring up a wide range of choices. These choices, however, won’t share much about the diligence of our back pain chiropractors here at West Suburban Wellness. When patients come to us with a painful back, they receive a comprehensive assessment, including physical examination and scans. We also ask our patients about their health goals and a wide range of lifestyle factors such as diet, sleep, and stress. The following are some of the therapies we frequently use to alleviate or eliminate pain in the back.

Chiropractic Adjustment

Chiropractic adjustment or spinal manipulation is at the heart of chiropractic care. We use our hands or specialized tools during this therapy to gently restore healthy spinal alignment. This treatment removes any pressure the spine might be exerting on nerves and restores optimal nerve functioning, such as accurate pain processing.

Massage Therapy

The goal of massage therapy is to reduce pain and inflammation. It works by increasing circulation and providing soothing warmth. According to our patients, it provides fast relief and pampering relaxation. From a cellular perspective, it pushes lactic acid and other waste products that cause pain when they build up in the muscles. It also ushers in healing oxygen-rich blood and other muscle-building nutrients.

Prescribed Back Stretches and Exercises

As helpful as all of these therapies are, they can’t help our patients with long-term recovery unless they follow our lifestyle recommendations. Prescribed movements such as stretching and exercise help maintain healthy alignment while building healthy muscles.

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation or PNF is a series of strategic stretching exercises that combine muscle contraction and relaxation. We prescribe individualized PNF stretching programs to reduce muscle spasms and promote relaxation.

We also analyze patients as they walk, sit, and stand to develop targeted exercises for them. These exercises build strength and increase agility. Strong muscles and supple joints allow the spine to move gracefully and with less or no pain.

You Can Live With Less (Or No) Back Pain

If you have this condition, you might not think you can ever be free of its unrelenting grip. This is particularly true if you’ve developed a chronic pain issue. At West Suburban Wellness, our chiropractors for back pain are waiting to move you towards less or no back stiffness and pain. Please call us today if you want answers to your questions or a comprehensive back pain consultation.

Chiropractor at West Suburban Wellness adjusting patient

What If The Service I Need Isn’t Listed? Call Us

Come see us! If you are suffering from pain reach out to us and we will get you in the office to see our team of professionals as soon as possible.

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1127 S Main St
Lombard, IL 60148

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(630) 629-9500